Stow Symphony Orchestra
P.O. Box 1495
Stow, Ohio 44224
Concerts & Events
SSO Orchestra or Chorus?
Click Here for Details
Stow Symphony Orchestra
Darrell Lee Music, Music Director & Conductor
Click Here for Directions
Saturday Evening, 10 May 2025; 7:00 P.M.
- Choral Suite for String Orchestra
- Featuring
- Mozart's Ave Verum
- April Is In My Mistress' Face
by Thomas Morley - Durufflé's Ubi Caritas
- Daemon Irrepit Callidus by Orbán,
- Mosie Lister's Holy Lord
Arragned for String Orchestra by Darrell Lee Music - Edward Elgar's
Cello Concerto in E Minor, Op. 85
- David LondoƱo, cello
- Symphony No. 1 in Bb Major, Op. 38 "Spring"
by Robert Schumann
Saturday Evening, 28 June 2025; 7:00 P.M.
- Summer Pops Concert
or by clicking the link.
$10/Students and Seniors
Children under 12, Free
The Stow Symphony offers one patron the chance to be
Guest Conductor of the SSO during our Summer Pops concert.
Raffle tickets, which are on sale throughout the season
are sold for $25 each at each concert, or using the button below.
'Bringing Live Music to Life'
for all audiences in N.E. Ohio.
Please consider making a tax deductible donation
to help us continue in that endeavor.
The Stow Symphony Orchestra is a 501c(3) not-for-profit
arts organization.
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Follow @StowOrchestra